From wellhead connector to the manifold system, we offer a complete system for containing wellbore pressure and diverting formation fluids and gases. With a focus on maximizing the safety of drilling operations. We design, engineer, and test technologies that meet and often exceed regulatory requirements. Our operations include large bore drilling for deep water drilling and rams that can shear the hard banding on tool joints.
Drilling Packages
Maximum uptime lowers costs of ownership and greater ROI. However, saving rig time and costs cannot come by comppromising safety and reliability.
The drilling equipment package we offer combine our best in class equipment and comprehensive services, including full life cycle support, from the conceptual design stages through the life of the project.
Annular BOPs
Annular BOPs can contain wellbore pressure and seal the well when required by closing on the pipe in the borehole.
They are equally effective if there is no pipe in the well bore.
Our application provides design for onshore, offshore and subsea applications.

BOP Control Systems
We provide drilling control systems for land, platform and subsea applications. Our BOP control systems feature a modular design using pre-engineered field proven components with advanced safety and functionality for better operational efficiency.
We provide the most comprehensive range of BOP rams and rams packers in the industry for managing well control events, including rams for shearing high strength casing and drill collars, variable bore sealing, and high temperature applications. Our ram packers use proprietary elastomer technologies that help to improve performance, extend service life, reduce downtime and lower operating costs.
Reliable BOPs are crucial for drilling a well safely. If the need arises to contain wellbore pressure, ram-type BOPs provide the ability to shear off the tubulars in the wellbore and seal the well.
The digital solutions we provide enables customers to pivot from costly time-based maintenance approaches to conditions and prediction-based maintenance solutions. Leveraging our pressure control equipment engineering expertise, one subsea field proven remote surveillance and diagnostic systems and data analytics knowledge, connect IQ drilling equipment life cycle management services help customers choose the right maintenance at the right time, ultimately reducing total costs of ownership.
Remote monitoring
This provide access to the status of the filed - deployed BOP control system and to provide historical data function of control equipment. This solution lets equipment owners monitor onshore replicas of the offshore HMI screens for remote support, log operational data in real time, enabling drilling contractors to oversee operations and serve as the first line of remote support for the operations team on the rig.
Operators are accountable for ensuring that BOP are properly maintained and recertified according to government regulations. The risk associated with pressure control is great and highly visible, making traceability during BOP recertification a serious consideration. BOP should be designed and manufactured to exacting standards and tolerances for the express purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment. Because BOPs are designed and intended to control pressure, careful consideration should be given as to how the components that make up a BOP work together to ensure it is fit for these very serious purposes.
Our collect connectors continue evolving to provide greater bending and tension capabilities in deeper water and higher pressures. Designed for long reliable operation, these connectors withstand the bending stresses and separating forces caused by well pressure, riser tension and vessel motion.
DIRECTING WELLBORE FLUIDS AWAY FROM THE IMMEDIATE DRILLING AREA ON OFFSHORE RIGS CF-A LOW pressure flow control floater diverters and CF-B low pressure flow control jackup diverters are fully customizable for your floater and jackup rig operation respectively. Designed for reliable, efficient use, each system consists of a housing, outlet valves, running tools, controls systems, diverter assembly, overshot packers, and storage skids.
The CF-A diverter supports up to 75.5 in rotary tables and has a hang off capacity of up to 2.5 x 106lbm. It uses a single annular packing element with a pressure rating up to 500psi. the CF-A diverter features four hydraulic locking dogs that reduce hosing and simplify operations. It eliminates the need to secure hoses to the diverter assembly while providing hydraulic fluid for the operations.
The CF-B diverter supports up to 47-in rotary tables and is qualified up to 2,000psi. packers can be split and hinged to allow them to be changed out with pipe in the hole. J slot type running tools are entirely mechanical and require no hydraulics.

CF-A diverter
• supports up 75.5 in rotary tables with hang-off capacity of up to 2.5 x 106 lbm. Single annular packing element rated up to 500 psi. • Hydraulic locking dogs. • Diverter assembly: 21.25-in nominal through diameter. . Integrated running and test tool. • Primary closing function able to operate the flowlines and close the annular within 45 seconds of operation.
CF-B Diverter
• Supports up to 47-in rotary tables. • Insert packers for varying pipe and casing sizes ranging up to 2,000 psi Diverter assembly: 29.5-in nominal through-bore diameter.
CF-A AND CF-B diverters
A landing shoulder and retractable lockdown dogs in the diverter housing for easy running and retrieval of the diverter assembly. • Corrosion - resistant alloys applied to flowline sealing surfaces in the diverter housing and all ring gasket grooves. Coffer dams and 4-in NPT drain holes to collect drilling fluid and mud. Zero fabrication welds available Housing outlets equipped with washout ports. Compliant with API, 6A, 16A, 16F, 8C, RP 53 and RP 64.
Complete and Reliable Annulus Enclosure
This supports an extensive fleet of rotating control device (RCDs) for use in a variety of applications, including annular fluid containment pressure management in onshore and offshore drilling environments. Each system is compatible with both rotary drives and features seals made of natural rubber, nitrile, butyl, or urethane.
7068 RCD low-pressure device
Designed to provide reliability and ease of operation in a small footprint, the low-pressure 7068 RCD device diverts drilling fluids and cutting to solids control equipment and handles gas influx and annular containment of wellbore fluids. The 7068 RCD device is compactible with rotary or top drive rigs an at less than 25 in tall is suited for use on small rigs where substructure height is limited.
8068 RCD large - diameter device and 8068-G RCD large-diameter HT device.
The low-pressure 8068 RCD device provides an annular pressure seal in large-diameter wells up to 30 in under standard temperature conditions. A version of the 8068 RCD device -the 8068-G RCD device is available for HT drilling operations, especially in geothermal applications. The 8068 and 8068-G RCD device enable drilling operations to continue while isolating rig personnel from potentially harmful wellbore fluids and gases.
DHS 1400 RCD intermediate - pressure device
The DHS 1400 RCD device cab be used on both rotary and top drive rigs. It features a split-body design, bearing section, mounting spool. The device can be used in air, stem, and foam drilling applications. The sealing elements of the DHS 1400 RCD device are changed out independent of the bearing section, saving rig time and eliminating the need for excess inventory on location.
This system includes a remotely operated clamping system for improved safety in wellbore fluids containment applications. The hydraulically operated lockdown mechanism for the sealing element can be operated by the driller from a control console on the drill floor. The console keeps the clamp locked down and prevents it from opening in the presence of wellbore pressure. Remote clamp operation eliminates the need for personnel below the rig floor, improving safety and reducing the time required to change out seal elements.
The Rotating Control Device 3 system is a passive sealing system that offers improved safety in diverting well returns to a surface separation system during managed pressure and underbalanced drilling applications. The RCD systems offers one of the most compact sealed bearing assembly designs in the industry. It is manufactured to NACE standards and is easily installed through most rotary tables without removing the master bushings. The RCD 3 system can be directly installed on top of the BPO or on an adapter spool if required.
We offer manifolds systems for improved pressure and flow control in onshore and offshore applications.
■ Choke and Kill Manifolds
■ Mud Standpipe Manifolds
■ Cement Manifolds
■ MPD Manifolds
■ Drilling Chokes.

Fluid swivels assist in the alignment and connection of flexible moon pool drape hoses to the goosenecks on a drilling riser telescopic joint or riser gas handling flow lines. The fluid swivels reduce the torsion imparted to the flexible hoses during rotation of the drilling vessel relative to the driller riser. These high pressure fluids swivels can be used with choke and kill lines, mud booster lines, hydraulic lines and other auxiliary equipment during the make-up of flexible hoses.
Available bore sizes: 1 13/16 in to 9 in Available pressure ratings: 5,000,10,000, 15,000 and 20,000 psi (other pressure rating available on request) Temperature ratings: U: Oto 250 degF[-18to121 degC] Material Class rating: EE (Sour Service) Product Specification Level: PSL 3 Maximum applied tension: 10,000 lbf- 50,000 lbf (Class dependent) Maximum applied bending: 5,000-25,000 lbf.ft (class dependent) Codes and Standards: API 6A, 16A, 17D, NACE MRO175; ISO 10423, 13533, 13628-4, 15156.
Rated for H2S service Serviceable in-filed Commonality of replaceable items across class/sizes Multiple end connection options: flanged, Studded flange, or clamp hubs. Customs options are available. Eliminates alignment and orientation issues.
This provides a closed-loop circulation system in which pore pressure, formation fracture pressure, and bottom hole pressure are balanced and managed at surface. MPD services help to enhance drilling efficiency and safety through rapid response to pressure changes.
Integrated deepwater system.
The integration of components ensures optimal performance and greater reliability, simplifies operations, and decreases personnel requirements and equipment footprint. it also provides you with a single point of contact and rapid response for all MPD related matters.
Flexible Deployment options to fit your objectives.
Our equipment and experts provide reservoir to flare services, from planning the well to handling mud and gas as they flow to surface. Operators can also switch from conventional drilling techniques to MPD, pressurized mud cap drilling, and riser gas handling as well as scale the system up or down as conditions change.
OEM equipment is also available for rental or sale. Depending on your requirements, we can prepare rigs to accept the appropriate MPD equipment, install and commission the equipment, or both for a specific well or to increase the capabilities of your rig. We can analyze, plan, and execute MPD programs while working with and training your personnel- both offshore and on land.
Provide Complete Riser Systems from the Drillfloor to the BOP Stack Spider and Gimbal
The spider stands as a hang off point for the riser during BOP running. We offer split spiders and Gimbals to accommodate rotary tables of 49.5-in, 60.6-in and 75.5-in diameter and are qualified up to 2,500,000 lbm hang off capacity. Our spiders are designed so that the only moving parts are the spider dogs. For improved safety, the 75.5 -in spider dogs completely cover the open hole when hanging of a riser joint. The shock mount gimbal allows up to a S movement in all directions.
The spider design can be configured to readily accommodate our Robo-Spider automated riser flange-blot torque system for risers.
Telescopic Ring
The tension ring secures the tensioning lines to the telescopic joint. We offer sold body and split tension rings to accommodate both wireline and direct acting tensioning systems. We qualify the tension ring to the capacity of the riser system that it couples.
RST Tension Ring
The RST swivels tensioning ring is a hands-free gooseneck system that eliminates the need to manually connect riser tensioning lines and goosenecks each time the riser is run, further improving safety.
Stab-In Connection System.
This system provides hands-free remote operation for installation of goosenecks on the telescopic joints, reducing time and potential hazards that can occur during the connection of the choke, kill and other auxiliary lines.
BOP landing Assist Tool
The BOP landing assist tool (BLAT) locks into the riser string below the telescopic joint inner barrel to allow hangoff to be supported by the derrick instead of the tensioning system. The BLAT interfaces with either the telescopic joint outer barrel or a modified pup joint and it can support up to 2,500,000lbm
Riser Joints
We offer RF riser system and loadking ultra Deepwater riser system riser joints that are API 16R certified to provide the conduit from the rig to the BOP stack. Our risers are qualified up to 4,000,000lbm in 12,000 ft water depth, and from -20 degF to 250 degF [-29degC to 121 deg C.
20K Slim Pin Riser
This innovative design allows operators to drill in 20,000 psi environments, while keeping weight and footprints to a minimum.
Riser Running Tools.
This features integrated running and testing functionality. The devices handle risers for lifting and assembling into the riser string, as well as testing. These running tools are qualified up to 2,750,000lbm. In addition, removable test plugs eliminate the needs to stab a test sub every joint. Hydraulic and manual tools are also available.
Riser Fill-up Valve
The riser fill-up valve is a special riser joint with an automatic or hydraulically operated actuator designed to prevent riser collapse should drilling fluid levels drop in riser.
Flexking Subsea Flex Joint
Our FlexKing subsea flexjoints permits angular displacement up to _+ l0 They are rated up to 6,000psi and are certified to water depth of over 12,000ft.
Riser Gas Handling System
This system utilizes a subsea diverter to permit the safe handling of gas in the riser. The system includes an annular for sealing the riser annulus and a gas bleed spool to safely bleed off gas and mud to a choke manifold. Standard configurations are available to accommodate an HSE system or an MPD-ready system